Belotserkiv Gymnasium-Primary School №3
named after T.G. Shevchenko
Bilotserkiv city council
Kyiv region
Стоп булінг
Bullying _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ (bullying) – actions of participants in the educational process, which consist of psychological, physical, economic or sexual violence. Such actions are committed in relation to a child or by a child in relation to other participants in the educational process, as a result of which damage may be caused to the victim's mental or physical health. Bullying can also be carried out using electronic means of communication.
Typical signs of bullying are:
systematicity (repeatability) of action;
presence of parties – offender (bully), victim (bullying victim), observers (if available);
actions or inaction of the offender, the consequence of which is the infliction of mental and/or physical harm, humiliation, fear, anxiety, subordination of the victim to the interests of the offender, and/or causing social isolation of the victim.